Fw: [C++-sig] continuing problems with bpl & jam

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Aug 6 05:11:08 CEST 2002

From: "Rene Rivera" <grafik666 at redshift-software.com>

> >> is this problem fixable? and how?
> It's a known problem, but I've avoided fixing it until Boost.Build V2 is
> out. The plan was to account for this situation directly in V2 as opposed
> trying to hack around it in V1.
> Fixing it is a bit entertaining and there are two options I know of...
> first involves adding the renaming that the "stage" target does to happen
> before things get moved into the stage so that the above would generate:
>     boost_python_pydebug.lib & *.dll
> The other option is to regenerate the *.lib files when they are moved to
> stage. This would involve creating a new target type to invoke IMPLIB (I
> think that's the vc tool?).
> Doing the second is more of a hack but it's something other people (other
> than me :-) can do.

Well, that's the long answer about fixing the "stage" rule. The short and
expedient answer is that if you are willing to keep the versions of bpl.dll
in separate directories, there doesn't have to be a problem. In fact, if
you build and test extensions with Boost.Build using the first method
described at www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html, that's what
happens automatically. All the versions of the library actually have the
same name, and the "stage" rule is just renaming them.


           David Abrahams * Boost Consulting
dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com

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