[C++-sig] [ANN] arbitrary arity support / new callback interface

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Fri Apr 12 17:17:10 CEST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Toon Knapen" <toon.knapen at si-lab.org>

> > I am far from asking full support for gcc-2.95.x of BPL as on can
> > keep two compilers around for different software but it is a bit
> > inconvinient...
> I also have 2.95.3 still around for numerical performance reasons. But
> this area, exception handling is'nt super important anyway.

It gets important at the Python interface boundary. When Python errors
occur, they are propagated through C++ as exceptions. My position is
that Python users shouldn't have to worry about crashing, even if they
misuse things.


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