[C++-sig] V2 jam problem

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Fri Apr 12 16:20:26 CEST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Bienstman" <Peter.Bienstman at rug.ac.be>

> I updated from CVS and tried
> set INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Progra~1\Intel\Licenses
> set INTEL_PATH=C:\Progra~1\Intel\Compiler60\IA32
> set VC7_ROOT=C:\Progra~1\Micros~1.NET\Vc7
> jam -d+2 -sTOOLS="intel-win32" -sBUILD=debug
> -sBOOST_ROOT=D:\boost_cvs\boost\ -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.2
> -sPYTHON_ROOT=C:\progra~1\python22
> This time, I get:
>     "C:\Progra~1\Intel\Compiler60\IA32/bin/icl"  /Zm400 -nologo -GX -c
> /Od /Ob0 /GX /GR
/MDd   -I"..\..\libs\python" -I"." -I"D:\boost_cvs\boost"
> -I"C:\progra~1\python22\include" -I"C:\progra~1\python22\PC"
> -I"C:\Program\include" -I"Files\Microsoft\include" -I"Visual\include"
> -I"Studio\include" -I".NET\VC7\include" -I"../include"
> -Fo"..\..\libs\python\bin\bpl.dll\intel-win32\debug\runtime-link-dynam
> -Tp"src/converter\from_python.cpp"
> The input line is too long

> Closer, but not quite there yet. Note how it's having trouble with the
> spaces in the path to the VC headers.

That's very strange. Did you update everything, including the
tools/build directory? I tried the very same test and everything came
out as expected. Please try again with the Jam executable at

If that doesn't work I'm going to ask you to add -d+5 to your command
line and send me the output (compressed, please!)


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