[C++-SIG] Python calling C++ issues

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Nov 24 09:53:15 CET 1999

> Unfortunately, we don't seems to understand what do you mean
> by "Object". Is
> it something we need to define or is it already defined in a
> h file that we
> forgot to include. We use Linux/gcc environment.

Sorry - I meant "PyObject"

> Also, in our sample, we did not use virtual function

Hmmm - OK - my advice could well be wrong.  Unless your C compiler
always adds a vfptr.

I have seen this problem (when using virtuals) before and the symptoms
sound almost identical.  Try the code snippet I posted, and see if the
debugger does show the "PyObject *" and the "Spam *" as different
values, even though they are pointing to the same object.

Otherwise Im afraid I have no idea...


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