[C++-SIG] Beginer questions

Geoffrey Furnish furnish at actel.com
Mon Nov 15 20:09:59 CET 1999

Duncan Grisby writes:
 > >  > 2) No global objects as we are linking against a C compiled Python.
 > > 
 > > There is a patch posted on the C++ SIG website, which modifies the
 > > configure script for Python to allow you to get your main linked with
 > > C++, which ensoures that global ctors get run correctly.  If you use
 > > that, you don't need rule 2) above.
 > I'm intrigued by the assertion that you can't use global objects when
 > the Python executable is compiled with C. For which platforms is it
 > true?  

C does not have global ctors, so if you build a C program, you can't
expect C++ global ctors to get run, unless you have detailed,
platform-specific knowledge to the contrary.

Exactly how global ctors get run in C++ is platform specific.  The
standard just mandates that global ctors get run before main() is
called.  Exactly how it happens depends on the compiler.

I think Myers explains this in his first book at some length.

 > I've successfully used global C++ objects with constructors on
 > Linux, Solaris and Windows NT, without compiling Python itself with
 > C++.

You were lucky.  That's the linker being nice to you.

 > I've done this while providing Python bindings for omniORB. My Python
 > extension module does not have any global objects itself, but it is
 > (dynamically) linked with the main omniORB library which does. Maybe
 > that's why it works?

Many dynamic linkers do the global ctor thing correctly.  BTW, this is 
not just ELF as was mentioned in a sperate post.  In general, a good
dynamic linker ought to understand the notion that a dynloaded library 
might need initialization or finalization code to be run.  But that's
part of the ABI for a computing platform, not the C++ language

On the other hand, if you build a Python with a C++ extension module
statically linked in, it will quite likely fail, unless the C++
compiler compiles main(), and drives the link.  In this case, the
issue is not just getting the special initialization and finalization
code to be draped around main(), but also because of the need to
perform implicit instantiations.  

Again, one can luck out.  Some systems have linkers that "do it right" 
irrespective of what the compilers did.  And some compilers use gross
bloating template instantiation techniques that ensure simplistic
linkage models will "work", but do so at the expense of bloating
executable size, and consequent reductions in I-cache locality.

But if you want it to work because you did it right, and not merely
because you were lucky, then you need to compile main() with C++, and
let C++ run the link.

Geoffrey Furnish            Actel Corporation        furnish at actel.com
Senior Staff Engineer      955 East Arques Ave       voice: 408-522-7528
Placement & Routing     Sunnyvale, CA   94086-4533   fax:   408-328-2303

"... because only those who write the code truly control the project."
						      -- Jamie Zawinski

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