[C++-SIG] Beginer questions

Geoffrey Furnish furnish at actel.com
Mon Nov 15 18:31:30 CET 1999

Ian Searle writes:
 > One of the programmers in my group first attempted this using the
 > LLNL CXX package to develop the extension.  This resulted in lots
 > of trouble for us, which has yet to be resolved.  Not because the
 > CXX package isn't good.  The problem may be that it is too good, or
 > more precisely, uses C++ constructs that are too much for g++
 > (GCC-2.95.2).  In this particular instance, g++ (Solaris) has a
 > nasty bug that does not allow code built with it to catch
 > exceptions.  Instead, the exceptions get thrown all the way to the
 > default exception handler which causes a core dump.  We have
 > absolutely no problems when we build the extension on Windows with
 > VC++.  Solaris, with g++ is another story altogether though.

I have also been unable to use GCC-2.95 for my other code projects,
due to other apparent code gen bugs and miscelaneous other problems.
GCC 2.95 is a landmark event--a reason for great excitement--but it
isn't prime-time yet, I'm afraid.

 > So, as a means to explore alternatives, I wrote the C++ extension
 > by hand.  It turned out to fairly simple, and efficient (at least
 > so far, I am only part way through my unit tests).  To do this, I
 > just developed a type extension for Python, almost exactly as
 > described in the book: "Internet Programming with Python" (see the
 > bstreammodule example).  Adding a new type to Python gives you the
 > opportunity to stash a pointer to your C++ object in the object
 > structure. Important things to note:

Right, this is a very feasible approach.  The goal of CXX is to make
this as easy as declaring a derived object.  But one can certainly do
it oneself.

 > 2) No global objects as we are linking against a C compiled Python.

There is a patch posted on the C++ SIG website, which modifies the
configure script for Python to allow you to get your main linked with
C++, which ensoures that global ctors get run correctly.  If you use
that, you don't need rule 2) above.

 > The C++ library the we wrote an extension for makes _heavy_ use of C++
 > STL containers.  

Note that this is in potential contradiction with your rule 2) above.
I'm sure you know that iostreams depends on global ctors, so your rule
2) means that cout is out.  But also, some STL implementations make
use of static global objects, and I don't see anything to imply that
such an implementation is specifically nonconformant.  So I would be
worried that your current prescription is working due to fortuitous
happenstance, depending on unspecified behavior of your current tool

 > Getting select data out of the containers and into
 > Python tuples, lists, and dictionaries is fairly simple.  The hard part
 > (assuming you are familiar with your own library) is learning the
 > expectations of Python extensions.  I found the book, and the standard
 > Python documentation to be just fine.

CXX is also supposed to make this issue of ownership management trivial.

 > When we used the LLNL CXX extension, our contribution was about 500
 > lines of code.  The "plain" extension is also about 500 lines of code.
 > The main difference is in writing the plain extension I avoided use of
 > C++ exceptions, and other C++ features that I know are not very portable
 > (like new iostreams, but don't get me started...)

Frustrating, isn't it?  I would add though, that its been more than 3
years since I have personally experienced a vendor C++ compiler whose
exception mechanism didn't work.  Outside of GCC, the rough points in
C++ these days seem to lie in the areas of partial specialization,
namespace resolution lookup rules, and associated arcana.  GCC is
generally conformant in almost all areas, but just has some issues
with uneven implementation quality.

Best regards,

Geoffrey Furnish            Actel Corporation        furnish at actel.com
Senior Staff Engineer      955 East Arques Ave       voice: 408-522-7528
Placement & Routing     Sunnyvale, CA   94086-4533   fax:   408-328-2303

"... because only those who write the code truly control the project."
						      -- Jamie Zawinski

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