[C++-SIG] Re: your mail

Paul F. Dubois dubois1 at llnl.gov
Thu Jan 7 01:30:23 CET 1999

In re the changes to CXX in release 8, I had noticed that in 1.5.2 there
were some new members in the type tables. I didn't track how far back that
change went -- 1.5, 1.5.1, ?. But if it doesn't compile you can just kill
the new members as I'm not using them for anything yet as I haven't had time
to figure them out.

As to the comment someone posted about the release 8 Windows installer not
wanting to work with 1.5.1, this is because it is supposed to set a registry
key based on the Python version. Maybe I'm not doing something right. If you
don't have the key that matches your Python then the python path is screwed

I'm in the process of moving my office so please forgive the slow responses.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ascher <da at skivs.ski.org>
To: Christopher J. Phoenix <cphoenix at best.com>
Cc: Paul F. Dubois <dubois1 at llnl.gov>
Date: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: your mail

>On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Christopher J. Phoenix wrote:
>> Using Visual C++ 5.0 to build the CXX directory of NumPy release 8 (Dec.
>> r.cxx
>> Include\CXX_Objects.h(923) : error C2665: 'seqref::seqref' : none of the
>> overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class Py::SeqBase<class
>> Py::Char> *const '
>> Include\CXX_Objects.h(931) : error C2665: 'seqref::seqref' : none of the
>> overloads can convert parameter 1 from type 'class Py::SeqBase<class
>> Py::Char> *const '
>> I followed these instructions:
>> c:\wherever> python makethis.py
>> c:\wherever> msdev workspace.dsw
>> [Go to "Build", pull down "Batch Build", do "Build All", exit DevStudio]
>>          seqref<T> back() {
>>              return seqref(this, size()-1);  // line 923
>>          }
>> I'm a bit confused; seqref is a template, so
>>           seqref (SeqBase<T>& seq, int j)
>>              : s(seq), offset(j), the_item (s.getItem(j)){}
>> should be able to create any Py::SeqBase<whatever>, right?  Or is it the
>> Py:: that's confusing it?
>I have no idea -- I haven't tried to build r8 yet.
>> Also, the release notes for 8 say that the type table was changed to
>> to Python 1.5.2.  Does that mean it won't work with 1.5.1?
>I hope not. Paul, any ideas?

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