[C++-SIG] C++ Framework

Geoffrey M. Furnish furnish at xdiv.lanl.gov
Thu Jan 15 22:21:18 CET 1998

Jeff Whitmire writes:
 > My application runs mainly in python with help from 4-5 python
 > extensions that integrate third party libraries.  We have just
 > finished a major release, and have the time to rework a bit of
 > this.  I would love to rewrite these extensions in C++ using your
 > C++ bindings, but first I wanted to get some information from you,
 > if you have the time to answer a couple of quick questions.
 > Have you tried to do anything with your bindings with respect to
 > 1.5?

As a matter of fact, I have been working on that some today, and for
the last couple of days.  I am considering a reformulation of how the
trampoline works.

 > Are they compatible with Visual C++ 5.0? (We run on Solaris and NT)

I don't know, as I don't use that platform.  

 > Are there any legal issues regarding using your C++ bindings in a
 > commercial application? (I know they are copyrighted, but I didn't
 > notice anything about reuse)

Livermore has got its Python stuff out free.  The stuff I did while I
was there, is in the stock Livermore Python snapshot, on icf.llnl.gov.

Los Alamos (where I am now), is just learning to discuss the issue,
and I am not sure how long it will take to get resolution on the
status of what I do sitting here.  I did initiate inquiries into this
matter a couple of days ago.

 > Do you have any sort of a status document that might show current
 > stability, known bugs, things left to do, etc.?

Alas no, but I should.

 > Thanks for all the work you have already put into this project, and
 > I look forward to your response.

I am hoping to get a non trivial project home page up soon, but it
isn't ready yet.  No ETA.

Geoffrey Furnish                    email: furnish at lanl.gov
LANL XTM Radiation Transport/POOMA  phone: 505-665-4529     fax: 505-665-5538

"Software complexity is an artifact of implementation."    -Dan Quinlan

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