[C++-SIG] Re: blitz++ vs. NumPy?

Phil Austin phil at geog.ubc.ca
Tue Dec 29 19:52:14 CET 1998

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul F Dubois <dubois1 at llnl.gov> writes:

    Paul> a. In C++ certain things are not inherited. These include
    Paul> the constructors and copy constructors, and I think the
    Paul> assignment operator. In the CXX documentation it gives you a
    Paul> list in the comments of the ones you have to reimplement in
    Paul> a child. 

Thanks, I'll play around with this after I get this pile of finals

    Paul> b. I don't know much about Blitz in detail and can't answer
    Paul> this question. But you might be needing a member function
    Paul> template here to instantiate something for each needed
    Paul> size. 

Right, I'm not sure what I was doing wrong, but today this 
Py::Array constructor worked (under KCC) without a hitch:

template<int Ndims> explicit Array (blitz::TinyVector<int,Ndims> dimens, 
      PyArray_TYPES t = PyArray_DOUBLE) : Sequence(FromAPI(PyArray_FromDims(dimens.length(), 
      dimens.data(), t))) {

Regards, Phil

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