[C++-SIG] CXX-a4 available at ftp-icf.llnl.gov/pub/python

Paul F. Dubois dubois1 at llnl.gov
Fri Apr 3 20:08:58 CEST 1998

I have started coordinating with Geoff Furnish, who is hard at work on the
trampoline. Geoff and I have made a number of naming changes as follows:

Former macros Py_Null and Nothing are now inline functions Null() and
Nothing. This eliminates all macros so that the
namespaces can do their job properly.

Name change edits:
CXX -> Py
PyException_ ->                         // delete
PyException -> Exception
Py_Null -> Null ()
Nothing -> Nothing ()

Signature change: Exception::clear() is now not const. Technically, it
doesn't alter the Exception object, but morally, it does.

Thus to catch an exception you may wish to clear, catch it as
catch  (PyException& e) { ...; e.clear(); ...}

For one you don't intend to clear, catch it as
catch (const PyException&) {...}

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