[core-workflow] self-approving pull requests

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Feb 17 18:32:37 EST 2017

On Feb 17, 2017, at 06:24 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>2) Turn it off, but turn on requiring status checks which will still
>effectively require a PR (there is one way around this, but it is so
>convoluted nobody would be able to do it by accident, and things still get
>tested anyways).

I do like requiring PRs, prohibiting direct pushes to master, feeling non-core
contributor pain points, and getting reviews. :)  And sometimes it makes sense
to actually get an ack from another core contributor in order to land a
change, but I think we need to mostly leave that to the discretion of the core

As you say, reviewer bandwidth is a bottleneck (something that I'm personally
going to try to help with now that we're on GH), so at least for now, I agree
that #2 makes for a good choice.

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