[core-workflow] Block direct pushes to the cpython repo?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Feb 7 16:55:54 EST 2017

I opened https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/16 to track the
idea of turning off direct pushes to the git repo after the migration at
some point. But immediately both Senthil and Barry voted to say they
thought we should just start off on the proper footing and just block
direct pushes to begin with.

If you have a +1/-1 reaction to this then please add the appropriate
reaction to
https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/16#issue-205987825 (i.e. add
a thumbs up or down reaction depending on how you care to vote). If things
obviously lean in one way or the other will help me decide how we want to
start the repo set as (we can obviously turn it off if it turns out to be a
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