[core-workflow] Choosing a prefix/label for issue numbers

Mariatta Wijaya mariatta.wijaya at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 12:57:39 EST 2017


+1 bpo NNNN
-1 bug NNNN, not everything is a bug
+1 issue NNNN, I'm new, so I don't have any 'old habit' yet :P

Mariatta Wijaya

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:

> Historically commit messages for CPython have had the form of "Issue
> #NNNN: did something". The problem is that Github automatically links
> "#NNNN" to GitHub issues (which includes pull requests). To prevent
> incorrect linking we need to change how we reference issue numbers.
> The current candidates are:
>    issue NNNN (notice the lack of #)
>     bug NNNN
>     bpo NNNN ("bpo" stands for "bugs.python.org")
> Whatever choice we go with it will be how we reference issues in PR titles
> and comments to link the PR to the issue, and in commit messages to send a
> message to the issue about the commit.
> To start this off, I'm -1 on "issue" (because people will out of habit add
> the #), +0 on "bug" (it's different but not everything is a bug), and +1 on
> "bpo" (as it namespaces our issues).
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