[core-workflow] Voting on possible subdomains for the devguide

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Apr 12 12:35:58 EDT 2017


On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Eric Holscher <eric at ericholscher.com>

> I'm not subbed to this list, so clicked the link from the web UI,
> which contains no history/quotes. Sorry!
> Just a few points:
> * We provide search that is backed by Elastic Search, which provides a
> lot more power. We also have more customizations that will allow us to
> provide search across projects within the python docs search, if
> wanted. So you could also return PEP's, devguide, and other search
> results if that was useful.
> * Any improvements that we made to RTD in order to better support
> Python would also be shared with the Python ecosystem. So instead of
> spending time writing build scripts and services, we could be
> contributing to an existing project that is widely used in the
> community. This would hopefully help us increase developer
> contributions to Read the Docs, raising all boats in the community.
> * We run on nginx servers, so we can do custom rules for Python if
> necessary. This is really useful for things like redirects and custom
> headers.
> * We automatically generate PDF's, Epub's, and JSON HTML versions of
> the docs, which I don't believe is currently happening.
> * We have lots of other things that are nice features
> (http://docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/features.html), which static
> file hosting won't have, and the site is still under active
> development. We have servers running behind the code, and in the
> future plan to extend things like intersphinx to be much more
> powerful, using server based software. Sphinx itself is always limited
> in it's design by being a static site, and we remove that requirement
> (in a way that is generally additive, so it downgrades to Sphinx).
> I would also say that we'd hope the PSF would help fund the site in an
> ongoing manner under this arrangement. The PSF has given us grants in
> the past for our support of the Python ecosystem, and this would just
> cement that relationship even more. By hosting on RTD and supporting
> us financially, you'd also be helping support the entire ecosystem.
> That said, it isn't a prerequisite for migrating to RTD, but I think
> it would make a strong case for sustained funding.
> Cheers,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Holscher
> Maker of the internet residing in Portland, Oregon
> http://ericholscher.com
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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