[core-workflow] Voting on possible subdomains for the devguide

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Tue Apr 11 20:32:48 EDT 2017

On Apr 11, 2017, at 20:25, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> *Puts Infra Hat on*
> Outsourcing is always good where possible. We’re technically over our donation amount for Rackspace so we’re paying for some servers and bandwidth now. That being said, these particular machines are not high maintenance but it would still be nice to get them off of our infra if possible/reasonable.

Sure, I agree.  But without substantially revising how we provide documentation and release downloadables - things which I suggest we not contemplate now as being beyond the scope of this project - we wouldn't be able to get rid of any machines for now.  Moving the devguide and peps will not allow us to free any machines up - at least as best I understand it!  So that's really not a factor at this point.  Unless I'm missing something.

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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