[core-workflow] Update from the PyCon language summit

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon May 30 18:22:17 EDT 2016

Basically the key things that came out of the language summit are two
things. One is that to move over cpython will require matching what we have
now, so when a commit lands on the repo that bugs.python.org gets a message
and a way to associate an issue with a PR (probably something like
detecting "Issue #" in the title of the PR and then making the association
on bugs.python.org). Otherwise dealing w/ sys._mercurial/sys._git and
updating the devguide are the only requirements.

Two, in order to shutdown Rietveld we will need to back up the database of
code reviews and dump the review information in some readable format (maybe
something as simple as running wget over Rietveld).
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