[core-workflow] Presentation on Rust's GitHub based automation tools

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 02:21:28 EST 2016

I was at linux.conf.au 2016 last week, and one of the presentations
was from Mozilla's Emily Dunham on some of the infrastructure
automation they use with Rust and other GitHub based projects:

In addition to their merge bot project homu (which we've talked about
previously), they also have:

highfive (a greeter bot): https://github.com/nrc/highfive
starters (an issue curator): https://starters.servo.org/

The first project looks for folks submitting their first PR or issue,
and responds with some standard info to save humans from having to do
it later (like pointers to the Code of Conduct and the Contributor
Licensing Agreement, as well as explanations of how the contribution
process works)

The second one is designed to provide a better answer to the "How do I
get started?" question by making it easy for developers to tag simpler
issues. This could presumably also be used to provide separate views
based on what folks want to work on (e.g. documentation, Python code,
C code)

While these wouldn't necessarily be something we wanted to set up
immediately, it likely makes a lot of sense to try to share the tool
maintenance load with Mozilla rather than going for a completely
custom setup.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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