[core-workflow] Software Factory

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Nov 25 11:25:28 EST 2015

On Nov 25, 2015, at 04:17 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>This means that while I still favour retaining a welcoming environment
>for strict free software advocates over going with a fully proprietary
>SaaS option for our workflow, I also think the available export
>options from GitHub are already good enough to ensure we're covered
>from an infrastructure risk management perspective.

Agreed that the risk of proprietary lock-in is fairly low, especially because
we aren't moving our tracker, we're really just looking for git hosting and a
nicer review/merge u/i.  Of course, I still favor a free software solution
that we can have some influence over, rather than a closed solution we're just
a client of.

However, I think Donald still intends to update PEP 481 to remove the
recommendation of Phabricator, right?

Also, PEP 481 doesn't mention how hosting is going to work.  Under this PEP
would Python be Just Another Project at github.com or would we have a branded
git.python.org host?

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