[core-workflow] Software Factory

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Nov 23 12:22:45 EST 2015

On Nov 23, 2015, at 10:20 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:

>It would allow us (Python) to own our data (reviews), rather than
>relying on a private provider like Gitlab (I don't know if Gitlab can
>be used completly freely on our own server).

It can.  The community edition is completely open source and the enterprise
edition probably doesn't have features we'd miss.

>I don't know if we need all Software Factory tools: Gerrit, Redmine,
>Zuul, Jenkins, Nodepool, Etherpad, Pastebin. If we keep Round Up, we
>will have to write code to integrate Round Up with Gerrit. IMHO it's
>worth it :-)

I'm not a huge fan of Jenkins, although it serves its purpose.  I don't think
it's an either-or with Buildbot though.  They compliment each other well since
as you point out, you just can't test everything on every platform before
every landing.  We currently use Jenkins in the Ubuntu touch build system, and
I find its u/i dreadful, especially when trying to track down where build
failure artifacts live.

GitLab does have its own open source runner which integrates nicely with that
service so even merge requests can be sanity checked, and I can see those
results immediately when reviewing a branch.

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