[core-workflow] Questions about the proposed workflows

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Dec 11 10:32:51 EST 2015

On Dec 11, 2015, at 03:27 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:

>Any news from the gitlab CEO about what they will offer and what the plan
>is? I'm still aiming to get everything squared away by Dec 15 so I have 2
>weeks to think things through.

Brett, see my question from 01-Dec - I think we should still try to outline
what we want before we approach GitLab with our detailed request.  I want to
avoid the inevitable "What will you offer us?"  "Well, what do you want?"
back and forth.

Also, as PEP 481 is still in contention as the alternative, it still mentions
Phabricator which I believe is off the table, so that PEP needs an update.

And afaik, none of the workflow PEPs actually describe Nick's HOCAEIT
suggestion for getting the best out of both GitLab and GitHub.

I know you want to make a decision soon, but IMHO we need to get these issues
resolved before we can move forward.

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