[core-workflow] Tracker workflow proposal

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Apr 21 20:35:48 CEST 2014

On Apr 21, 2014, at 12:04 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

>    low
>    normal
>    high
>    deferred blocker
>    release blocker
>I'd like to see us strive keep those queues clear, so that promoting a
>bug to high or release blocker means it *will* get acted on reasonably
>promptly.  (This raises the issue of what to do about bugs we currently
>mark as "release blocker" as a *reminder* to the release manager.  I don't
>have a proposal for that at the current time, as release management is
>out of scope for this document, but we'll need an answer if we are going
>to implement this.)

This is definitely an area of friction that I think needs addressing.  The
problem is that a release blocker for one version may not be a release blocker
for another.  Worse, it's the responsibility of the release managers - which
may be different per release - to manage these.

Generalizing, it may be in fact that different active versions of Python might
assign different priorities to the same bug.  I'd like to at least keep on the
table the option to assign a priority per active Python version.


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