[Conferences] Please add the conference PyConChina2016 to the calendar

Sting Chen stingchen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 04:19:08 EDT 2016

Hi PyCon calendar managers,

I am Sting Chen, the organizer of CPyUG (China Python User Group) and

We had hold PyConChina last five years in China.

Please help us to add our PyCon events to the calendar.

Name: PyConChina 2016
Organizer: PyChina

2016-9-10 9:00-18:00 (UTC+8) Shanghai, China
2016-9-25 9:00-18:00 (UTC+8) Shenzhen, China
2016-10-15 9:00-18:00 (UTC+8) Beijing, China
2016-10-15 9:00-18:00 (UTC+8) Hangzhou, China

URL: http://cn.pycon.org

Best Regards,

Sting Chen (陈世欣)

微信/QQ: 1025792036  微信公众号: topgeekchina Skype: *StingChen_ *微博
<http://weibo.com/stingchen> 博客 <http://sting.topgeek.org/> linkedin

 TopGeek <http://topgeek.org/>主席  |    PMCamp <http://pmcamp.org/>主席  |
上海GDG <http://gdgshanghai.com/>负责人 | O盟 <http://o2or.cn/>主席| PyChina
<http://pychina.org/>组委 | 乐读 <http://ledu.club/>创始人
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