[Conferences] Q: PyCon organizer manual

Takanori Suzuki takanori at takanory.net
Fri Oct 16 11:39:46 CEST 2015

Hi all,

I'm Takanori Suzuki, chair of PyCon JP 2015.

Is there document for PyCon organizer?

I've finished PyCon JP 2015. In this year, there was a lot of new
staff in our team. Then, we could not share information about
conference efficiently.

I am planning to write PyCon JP organizer manual(in Japanese sorry :p).
If you have organizer manual, I'd like to make it a referece.

For example, this TEDxManual is I think great.
- TEDxManual http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/TEDxManual.pdf

Best regards,
Takanori Suzuki

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