[Conferences] Thinking to host PyCon Dhaka for the first time

Tahmid Rafi rafi.tahmid at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 17:54:36 CEST 2014


I am a great Python enthusiast and along with the help of my fellow
community members we are going to host an event in Dhaka, Bangladesh for
the Python Developers of Bangladesh. We are hoping to name the event *"PyCon
Dhaka 2014"*.

As this is the first time we are doing it. We are thinking to create it in
a small scale.

Now, as far as I know PyCon's are held worldwide by local python
communities. Do we have to follow any special protocol for this? Moreover
any suggestion/resources from python.org would be very much appreciated.


Tahmid Rafi,
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder,
Dimik Computing School <http://dimikcomputing.com/>

<https://www.facebook.com/vaboghure> <https://twitter.com/tahmid_rafi>
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