[Conferences] PyCon DE, October 4 - 9, 2011, Leipzig, Germany

Mike Müller mmueller at python-academy.de
Fri Jan 14 12:49:03 CET 2011

Pre-Announcement PyCon DE, October 4 - 9, 2011, Leipzig, Germany

Will have a PyCon DE October 4 - 9, 2011 in Leipzig, Germany.
This is the first PyCon DE.

We have a website with minimal information up:


The schedule will look like this:

October 4, 2011        tutorials
October 5-7, 2011      presentations
October 8/9, 2011      sprints

Since we are still planing, we have no official announcement yet.
This will be done as soon as we have a bit more substance on
conference web site.

So if you plan a Python conference in 2011 and still haven't decided
on the date, early October might not be the best time. ;)

To avoid (too much) overlapping of dates of Python conferences you
can have a look at:


If you have more information about upcoming conferences just let me know,
so I can add it to the table.


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