[Conferences] finding sponsors

Catherine Devlin catherine.devlin at gmail.com
Thu May 28 19:48:26 CEST 2009

We've cooked up the following text for a sponsorship prospectus for
PyOhio; I'd be interested in getting comments on it from any of you.
(If you like it, feel free to imitate.)  It's intended for conversion
to PDF with rst2pdf.

I'd also like thoughts about how to contact and interest semi-random
software companies in the conference.  We have a fair number of
.NET-centered companies here in Ohio... very little else.  IronPython
means that they have good reason to get involved - and their smartest
programmers will definitely be interested - but how do we make
contact, catch their attention, and let them know that?  I'm afraid
that unsolicited emails to each company's general contact email
address will go straight to the Trash folder.

It sounds snotty, but the fact is, mediocre programmers are the ones
who say, "I just do VB (Java, C++, whatever) - not interested in
anything else".  The best programmers - the ones companies need to
recruit and nurture - are the ones who, regardless of their day jobs,
perk up at chances to learn new things, especially things as awesome
as Python.  I know that, you know that... how do we get that message
to potential sponsors?

One solution would be to go on the road to .NET groups with an
IronPython presentation, making company contacts as we go.  We'll
hopefully be doing that, but that's a slow process (more likely to get
us sponsors for 2010 than 2009).


Thanks, and good luck with all your conferences!

- Catherine
*** PyOhio * July 25-26, 2009 * pyohio.org ***

.. image:: pyohio.jpeg

PyOhio 2009 Sponsorship

PyOhio is a regional conference for people interested in the programming
language with the biggest bite: Python! If you are considering sponsoring
any technology events in Ohio or the Midwest, please consider PyOhio!

The first PyOhio was a one-day event, held in July, 2008
at the main branch of the Columbus Public Library. We drew over 90 people
from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, and beyond - as far as New Hampshire.

This year, PyOhio is expanding to a two-day event, July 25-26, 2009.  It will
be held at Ohio State University's Knowlton Hall, with a variety of lecture
halls, breakout rooms, and other spaces to accomodate more attendees
and activities.

You can visit PyOhio’s online home at `www.pyohio.org <http://www.pyohio.org>`_.

What is PyOhio?

PyOhio is a two-day conference focusing on the Python programming
language. The conference will include seminars, workshops,
tutorials, panel discussions, open spaces, and lightning talks on all
aspects of Python, with components covering introductory to advanced
skill levels.

For 2009, PyOhio will be held on Saturday, July 25th, and Sunday, July 26th.

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language usable on every common
operating system, alone or under .NET or J2EE.
Python is applicable to all types of programming problems, including
web programming, system administration, desktop applications, and others;
it has become a key element in IT infrastructures worldwide.
Many programmers who are proficient in several languages strongly
prefer Python for its clarity, ease of use, and maintanability.

Why sponsor PyOhio?

PyOhio attendees are a variety of working professionals, students,
academics, and others who are passionate about technology and passionate about
keeping themselves up-to-date - so much so that they'll take a weekend
of their own to immerse themselves in their favorite (but not their only)
language.  This makes them the acknowledged leaders in their fields, the
ones their peers look to.  Sponsoring PyOhio lets the attendees know that,
like them, you stand out - that your organization shares their love of
excellence in technology.  This is your chance to influence an exceptionally
influential group of professionals with your sponsorship message!

PyOhio is run entirely by a group of volunteers, and is not yet an officially
registered non-profit organization.  Your PyOhio sponsorship should qualify as
a pre-tax business expense, however.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Anaconda ($1,000)
  * Full-page advertisement in conference program

  * 150 x 300 pixel click-through logo/advertisement on PyOhio website

  * Table in conference common area

  * Right to display banners in common area and primary lecture hall

  * Right to include literature in attendee handouts

  * Mention in emails to attendees and wider programming community

  * Inclusion of your message in opt-in follow-up email to attendees

Rattlesnake ($500)
  * Half-page advertisement in conference program

  * 150 x 150 pixel click-through logo/advertisement on PyOhio website

  * Table in conference common area

  * Right to display banner in common area

  * Right to include literature in attendee handouts

  * Mention in emails to attendees and wider programming community

  * Inclusion of your message in opt-in follow-up email to attendees

Garter Snake ($100)
  * Small advertisement in conference program

  * 150 x 75 pixel click-through logo/advertisement on PyOhio website

  * Right to include literature in attendee handouts

  * Mention in emails to attendees and wider programming community

PyOhio works by combining the creativity of its attendees... and its
sponsors!  If you'd like to propose a sponsorship arrangement of your
own design, we'd like to hear about it.  Please contact us by email.


| The organizers of PyOhio 2009
| pyohio-organizers at python.org

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