[Conferences-discuss] Update: YAPyC 2003 (Washington, DC)

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:08:35 -0400

>>>>> "PE" == Paul Everitt <paul@zope.com> writes:

    PE> Guido hinted in his EP 2002 talk that he might want to have
    PE> some kind of sprint-like stuff for Python futures.  Guido,
    PE> interested in making this part of YAPyC 2003?

I'd /really/ like to see a return to the workshop-ish approach for the
YAPyC's.  At IPC10 we pretty much agreed that OSCON would be the big
glitzy affair that mostly replaced/had the style of the previous few
IPCs.  What's missing, IMO is the opportunity for getting stuff done
by putting a large number of Python experts in a room together.

So I'd like to see the emphasis be on working groups, sprints,
lightening talks, etc.  Think: presentation of current work,
discussion of problems, followed by active cooperation to attack those
problems.  We could get a lot done.
