[Conferences-discuss] Crackle, crackle, "hello"...

Paul Everitt paul@zope.com
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:28:41 -0500

Michael Hudson wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Andrew Kuchling wrote:
>>Moshe told me he had a lot of fun at a Debian conference somewhere in
>>France that was essentially a big hacking party; something like that for
>>Python would be great.  Imagine getting a gaggle of people together,
>>saying "let's implement the damn catalog, already" and actually *doing*
> +1e6

FWIW, we've been pushing the development of Zope3 through an idea called 
"sprints", where we get a group of people together and follow an XP 
style of programming for two days.  It has generated a lot of enthusiasm 
and yielded some unexpected dividends.  Others on the list here have 
participated in a sprint, they might be able to comment on its structure 
or outcomes.

Thus, I also give Andrew's proposal a big thumbs up.
