[code-quality] pylint suggestion

Carl Crowder carl.crowder at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 05:27:15 EDT 2018

I think that this would be better a pylint specific issue on github

Also I think this would be quite hard - it seems you want a check that says 'if this is a function that is used in a boolean but it it not called' that seems quite specific and you never know, if it's not a syntax error, perhaps it's legitimately used by someone?

However I defer to the pylint gurus as this is just my conjecture :-)
On 05/09/2018 11:05:21, Jim Reuter <jreuter at ddn.com> wrote:
Hopefully this is the right place for Pylint suggestions; I did not see any
other mailing lists that appeared to fit.
I am working on a large project with a lot of existing Python code,
and we use pylint in our processes.
One frequently used module has a class with a lot of property methods
and regular methods, e.g.
class Cl(Parent):
    def thing1(self):
        return calculate_thing1()
    def test2(self):
        return get_test2()
    def is_fubd(self):
        return some_other_test() == 42
So, naturally, I mistakenly used the last item above as if it was
a property instead of a method:
    if is_fubd:
The code, of course, needs to be:
    if is_fubd():
The first form is valid code but mostly useless, because the
is_fubd method exists so an 'if' test is always true. And it is
a real pain to find the mistake by inspection.  It would sure
be nice to have pylint flag this usage as suspicious.
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