[code-quality] Need help: pylintrc breaks black_list from plugins

Alexander Todorov atodorov at mrsenko.com
Fri Jun 29 06:44:08 EDT 2018

Hi folks,
according to this bug report:

when there is a .pylintrc file with an ignore line inside of it it this 
overrides the black_list options configured by plugins. In the case of 
pylint_django we would like to ignore some directories (like migrations) and 
this breaks.

In pylint_django we have:

def register(linter):
     linter.config.black_list += ('migrations', 'south_migrations')

and from what I can tell after this is set something calls 
OptionsProviderMixIn.set_option and overrides it afterwards.

Is that a desired behavior or a bug?

If this is a bug where should I look if I want to contribute a patch ?


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