[code-quality] Flake8 "globals"

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Mon Feb 12 03:59:57 EST 2018


On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 09:19:11PM +0000, Chris Norman via code-quality wrote:
> I've been using pyflakes and now flake8 for a while and honestly it's
> probably the second-most used program on my computer, second only to Python.
> I am a very happy customer and want to extend my warmest gratitude to the
> creators and maintainers!
> I have a suggestion which I suspect is already implemented I just don't know
> how to find the option:
> Using Flake8, I want to be able to set up globals like you can with eslint.
> This should allow me to say that there are globals present in the file which
> aren't currently there.

You're looking for

  builtins = the,thing,you,want

Marius Gedminas
I read I forget; I see I remember; I teach I understand.
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