[code-quality] pylint: How to ignore max line length limit for long import statements

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Sat Aug 11 06:29:16 EDT 2018


On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 05:46:56AM +0000, Jiongjiong Li wrote:
> Is there any convenient way to ignore max line length limit for import
> statements, such as by setting rc file?
> pylint always report: C0301:Line too long (108/100).
> But according to [1]Google Style Guide, it's fine to not limit line length
> for long import statements.

There's a --ignore-long-lines (under [format] if in .pylintrc) option
which allows you to define a regex for that.

Something like ignore-long-lines=^import should probably help.


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