[code-quality] Adding a new repo to 'PyCQA' org

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 11:14:47 EDT 2016

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Stephen Finucane
<stephenfinucane at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> I recently published a flake8 plugin on GitHub:
> https://github.com/stephenfin/flake8-asserts
> In my experience, finding flake8 plugins is easier said than done and the
> best are found on the 'PyCQA' org on GitHub/GitLab. Would this project be
> something that the organization would be interested in moving under their
> umbrella? I'm thinking of making use of it in some OpenStack projects, but
> who knows...

Hi Stephen!

So, we generally try to take on projects that are already widely used
and benefit from the a larger group's attention. If you'd really like
the project to live in the PyCQA, we can accomodate that. The rest of
us are already overloaded with commitments so we'd need a commitment
from you that you are going to maintain this. We can create a team for
you and make you team maintainer so you can add more people to the
team as more contributors come along.

If your project is more geared towards OpenStack, you might instead
want to include it in the OpenStack project namespace as a
non-Big-Tent project. Hacking lives there and OpenStack is happy
having it there. (Hint: I also work on hacking, although not as much
as I've wanted to as of late.) They also hate "third-party"
dependencies and will probably be happier (if it's geared towards
them) if you would maintain it there.

Also, it looks as if you didn't closely follow the Flake8
documentation around building a Flake8 extension
which points out that you should add the "Framework :: Flake8"
classifier for extensions to make it easier to find things. I haven't
had time to update the discoverable Flake8 projects to use this
universally but number of the more popular ones are using it.


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