[code-quality] pyflakes-study group and code

Edward K. Ream edreamleo at gmail.com
Tue May 31 11:31:51 EDT 2016

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Phil Frost <indigo at bitglue.com> wrote:

> Edward, thanks for doing this work. It looks really great.
> I'm pretty slammed with personal commitments right now, but I promise I'll
> get to this eventually. Thanks again for the excellent contribution.

​You're welcome.  Thanks for the kind words.

I'd like to test the new code using the pyflakes unit tests. Alas,
Anaconda's <https://www.continuum.io/why-anaconda>frozen import feature is
making this difficult.  importlib seems fixated on the official package.
Hopefully soon...

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