[code-quality] Patch to expose path of rcfile

Claudiu Popa pcmanticore at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 17:44:18 EDT 2016

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Tim Stumbaugh <stum at hudson-trading.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are in the early phases of rolling out pylint to our Python application.
> We have a particularly strange setup where we use __path__ in a number of
> "virtual packages" in order to set the correct location of the real package.
> Activating astroid's behavior which scans sys.path (the from pkgutil import
> extend_path trick) in combination with manipulating sys.path in an init-hook
> works great and allows pylint to see the package the same way the
> interpreter does.
> However, figuring out the correct path to insert onto sys.path is
> unfortunately not trivial, since we support running pylint as part of our
> pre-commit review tool, which runs it in a different directory but passes
> --rcfile on the command-line. In order to get the correct directory, we need
> to have the path of the current rcfile (be it one that came from
> config.find_pylintrc or one that came from --rcfile). Unfortunately, it
> seems that config.PYLINTRC does not get updated to include the path of the
> file if --rcfile is given.
> Our current solution to this problem is to use inspect within the init-hook
> to step back up to the frame of Run and look at the config_file member of
> the linter:
> init-hook=import inspect;
> sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[2][0].f_locals["linter"].config_file))
> However, since this essentially couples us to the internals of pylint, it
> would be nice to have something a little less invasive. I prepared a patch
> to pylint/lint.py that would set config.PYLINTRC in cb_set_rcfile. That
> allows the init-hook above to be replaced by:
> init-hook=sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(config.PYLINTRC))
> And preserve the same behavior.
> My question is, would this be a change that the project is interested in? I
> didn't just want to send a pull request out of the blue, since the actual
> change is trivial. Is there some better way to accomplish what I am trying
> to do?
> Thanks for your consideration,
> tjs
> --
> Tim Stumbaugh
> Operations
> Hudson River Trading
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Hi Tim,

Sorry for the delay in the first place, I totally forgot about answering.

Unfortunately, config.PYLINTRC doesn't sound to be the right
place for this, since it is just a global constant (after computed),
that we use to determine a potential rcfile. I would be happy with
another one that is designed specifically for this purpose, but another
idea that occurs to me would be to just use an environment variable,
e.g PYLINTRC, which is already used by find_pylintrc function. Then
your hook becomes just
Would this be a solution you could use?


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