[code-quality] Announcing ci.pycqa.org

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 21:45:22 EDT 2016

On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 8:38 PM, Ian Cordasco
<graffatcolmingov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all!
> So, Rackspace has provided us with some sponsorship so we can run
> things like Jenkins! This allows us to run ci.pycqa.org.
> Flake8 has been using this for continuous integration with GitLab for
> a while now, but we've recently moved the public address from
> ci.sigmavir.us (my temporary domain) to ci.pycqa.org and added more
> build capacity. We should also have money enough to add more build
> nodes if necessary.
> We currently support python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and pypy's latest
> 5.x branch for Python environments. The controlling Jenkins node (that
> you see at ci.pycqa.org) is running Ubuntu 14.04 while the solitary
> build node is running 16.04. We also support GitHub Pull Requests and
> we can probably support other linux variants as well.
> Presently I'm the sole administrator of all of this, but I'd still
> like to make sure the larger group can take advantage of it.
> As for future facing plans, I'd kind of like to utilize Jenkins to its
> fullest potential, including building wheels after successful builds
> for PRs for Flake8. This will make it easier for me to install and
> test the PR itself. I don't presently have that set-up *yet* and I
> haven't quite figured out how I would do that, but if that sounds
> interesting to you, let's chat (on this mailing list or in private).
> Finally, I just wanted to thank Rackspace again (and Jesse Noller in
> particular) for this sponsorship. If you're one of those inclined to
> tweet, you should thank Jesse @jessenoller. I'm sure he'd appreciate
> it.
> Cheers,
> Ian

Oh, also, if anyone's familiar with setting up Let's Encrypt +
Jenkins, I'd love to collaborate on that. I would really prefer to
have Jenkins behind HTTPS than not. :)

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