[code-quality] Make pylint faster by caching modules that passed without warnings

Noam Yorav-Raphael noamraph at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 16:04:49 EST 2015

(I'm sorry, I accidentally had mail delivery turned off, so I reply to

> This sounds like a great feature.  Have you considered contributing it
> as a pull request into pylint?

I will be glad to - you can use the code for whatever you like - but I
think that a member of the team should review my code and say what he
thinks and how it should be integrated into the main code.

> I tried this on my large project (Open edX), and it generally worked
> great, but was one crash:

I updated the gist so now I hope it would work - can you check?


On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Noam Yorav-Raphael <noamraph at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Take a look at cached_pylint.py at
> https://gist.github.com/noamraph/c933b32deb8304ac7ccd
> It records module dependencies, and when a module passes with no warnings,
> it records it together with the sha1 of the contents of each of its
> dependencies, so when run again it could pass without checking it.
> Dependencies are recorded by using infer and by using ImportsChecker, so
> if module A imports something from module B that was actually defined in
> module C, both B and C will be recorded as dependencies of A.
> We have a medium sized code repository that took two minutes for each
> check. Now pylint only checks the modified modules, and it takes two
> seconds.
> I tested it with pylint 1.4.3.
> Hope this helps someone,
> Noam
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