[code-quality] Questions: Flake8-2.4.1

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Jul 25 18:36:15 CEST 2015

   Just installed flake8-2.4.1. Checking a file generates this error:

pwschemasl.py:698:39: E225 missing whitespace around operator

on this line:

     rpt_filename=Column(BLOB, nullable=False)

where position 39 is 'F'. So, I add the space:

     rpt_filename=Column(BLOB, nullable= False)

and now flake8 shows this error:

pwschemasl.py:698:40: E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter

   This is an infinite loop that affects many lines of code in the file. The
lines throw a PEP8 compliance error both with and without a space following
the '=' sign.

   Is there something I've done incorrectly that I don't see?



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