[code-quality] Pylint reports, is anyone using them?

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 15:14:18 CEST 2015

On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:16 AM, Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Ian Cordasco
>> I think the deprecation path might look like providing a way for
>> people to register reports as third party plugins. PyLint can provide
>> an entry-point and then pass in the results so the report plugin can
>> generate a report. PyLint can either take the approach of "you
>> installed it so it's on by default" or all users to select which
>> reports to show. This will definitely be much less code, and will
>> allow PyLint to say "we're deprecating these reports, if you want them
>> to continue working, please take the code and maintain it in a
>> third-party plugin registered on PyPI".
>> People seem to use different reports so this seems fair: allow the
>> people who are interested in those reports to maintain them. This
>> achieves the goal of removing the reports from PyLint itself, thus
>> relieving your maintenance burden while not depriving users of
>> reports. I'd be happy to help with adding entry-points to PyLint for
>> reports if it doesn't already have them.
> I'm really enjoying this idea of providing entry-points for
> Pylint's reports. Currently we have a way to customize the format
> of the reporting, either it be text, html, json or anything
> else that the user needs, but no way of providing a hook
> into pylint's analysis for generating reports such as the ones
> we have right now. They're currently "hardcoded" and entwined
> within pylint's internals. Ian, I'll appreciate your help on this one.

I'm happy to help! I may bug you for Mercurial help because it's been
a *long* time since I've used it. :D

> Most probably, after having this mechanism, the reports will be
> moved into a third party package, which can be activated on a need
> by need basis, so that no one loses the current functionality
> if they're using it and no one needs to install third party
> reports if they don't need reports at all.
>> As an aside, any users who want to maintain a third-party plugin like
>> this are welcome to do so in the PyCQA organizations on GitHub or
>> GitLab (or we could make a group for BitBucket too if the
>> maintainer(s) would prefer mercurial).
> Having a group for BitBucket as well would be great, pylint
> could be part of it. Unfortunately, I don't think switching
> to github could work for us (I'm enjoying mercurial more).

The group is now here: https://bitbucket.org/pycqa/ and I made you an
administrator right off the bat so you can do whatever you need.
Naturally, there's no pressure to move PyLint over there, but it would
be pretty cool to have a gigantic collection of these tools under one

As a side note, in the interest of transparency, Ian Lee (the pep8
maintainer) is an Admin on the GitHub organization as well. We had
discussed this previously off-list but I never did it until now and
thought y'all would like to know.

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