[code-quality] Unable to import error from pylint

Martín Ferrari tincho at tincho.org
Tue Jul 15 00:34:40 CEST 2014


This is probably a FAQ, but I cannot find it anywhere in the docs.

I get a F0401 (Unable to import) when importing a flask external module,
which involves a trick on __init__ on the parent package to locate the
actual module, which has a different name (flask.ext.httpauth is in fact
flask_httpauth, with no package name).

I understand that pylint avoids executing code on imports, so that
explains this message.

The question would be: is there a way to fix this situation without
ignoring everything that uses that module? Adding an 'import
flask.ext.httpauth' in the init-hook does not seem to solve it.


Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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