[code-quality] pylint unit tests?

Sylvain Thénault sylvain.thenault at logilab.fr
Thu Jul 4 15:04:42 CEST 2013

On 04 juillet 07:38, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> > * Are you sure that PYTHONPATH is set properly so that your checkout of pylint
> >   is used to run the test? The second trace you provide tends to make me think
> >   there is a problem here.
> PYTHONPATH is unset.  I don't recall seeing any instructions about
> setting it in contribute.rst.  I have been installing pylint.  The
> fulltest.sh script runs a command called pytest though, which appears
> to only materialize as part of the install process:
> pylint% pwd
> /Users/skip/src/pylint
> pylint% find . -name 'pytest*' | wc -l
>        0
> pylint% type pytest
> pytest is /Users/skip/local/bin/pytest

pytest is provided by the logilab-common package. You may avoid it by using
another test launcher or by executing python on test modules one by one.
> How should PYTHONPATH be set?  How would I get a pytest command in my checkout?

You should ensure that when you "import pylint", pylint.__path__ point to your
checkout directory (or wherever you do your own modifications).
> > Regarding your mercurial problem, you should simply commit your changes so you may
> > go back and forth:
> >
> >  $ hg commit -m "my new check"
> >  $ hg up .^ # go back to parent changeset
> >  $ hg up tip # go back to changeset introducing my new check
> >
> > If you have the evolve extension [3] installed and activated (promise it's worth
> > the try ;), you may modify your changeset later on, and much more
> >
> >  # do some changes to e.g. fix the test
> >  $ hg amend # update the current changeset
> Thanks, I'll try and check this stuff out in the future.  I've gotten
> pretty comfortable with git by using it daily at work, but many of the
> common hg idioms remain a complete mystery to me, probably because I
> don't use it day-in, day-out.
Much probably, both definitly use different concepts/cli.

Sylvain Thénault, LOGILAB, Paris ( - Toulouse (
Formations Python, Debian, Méth. Agiles: http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:       http://www.logilab.fr/services
CubicWeb, the semantic web framework:    http://www.cubicweb.org

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