[code-quality] 回复: Something about Pylint

侯焯明 745189913 at qq.com
Tue Aug 27 17:38:33 CEST 2013

Thanks for your reply. I will try my best to help to improve pylint.
School of Software,Sun Yat-sen University
Zhuoming Hou(侯焯明)
Phone:+8613427532687 (612687)
Email:745189913 at qq.com


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Sylvain Thénault"; 
发送时间: 2013年8月27日(星期二) 晚上10:20
收件人: "Ian Cordasco"; 
抄送: "侯焯明"<745189913 at qq.com>; "code-quality"; 
主题: Re: [code-quality] Something about Pylint

On 09 août 08:30, Ian Cordasco wrote:
> This strongly seems like an issue where the authors of pylint/astroid did
> not explore installation on a non-*nix machine. It is tough to do so
> (speaking from experience) so I don't fault them, but the real solution is
> not just to use '2to3.py' because on *nix machines, that does not exist. On
> *nix machines it is installed as what is used in the script above. That
> said, the best solution seems to be a sort of "compatibility" layer upon
> installation where it looks to determine if it is on Windows and in that
> case uses '2to3.py' and otherwise uses '2to3'. If you submit a pull request
> to their repositories on BitBucket, I'm sure they would greatly appreciate
> it.

Indeed. We're definitly Linux users at Logilab so testing with Windows platform
is not our daily activity. We're neither daily py3k users so that doesn't
help... So you're right that any help on the windows and py3k fronts are greatly

Anyway the setup.py in its current form has already been "fixed" by a
Windows user, but not enough apparently ;). So I'm fine with the patch started
provided it's modified to take your remark into account and that it's tested
against other python version (eg 2.7?) under windows.

Sylvain Thénault, LOGILAB, Paris ( - Toulouse (
Formations Python, Debian, Méth. Agiles: http://www.logilab.fr/formations
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CubicWeb, the semantic web framework:    http://www.cubicweb.org
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