[code-quality] Flake8 News

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Aug 29 07:22:25 CEST 2013

afayolle <afayolle.ml at free.fr> writes:

> Be aware of the licensing issue, though : depending on the way flake8
> works (subprocess or import), the GPL license of Pylint could be an
> issue if the flake8 authors want to stick to MIT.

What is the issue, exactly?

As I understand it, a work licensed under GPL terms can be derived in
part from work under different license terms, so long as that license
does not impose any further restrictions.

Redistribution of the derived work would need to satisfy simultaneously
all the license terms of all the parts from which it derives.

Is Flake8 distributed under license terms that impose restrictions
additional to the GPL? If not, I don't know what the problem is.

 \                                                    德不孤、必有鄰。 |
  `\                (The virtuous are not abandoned, they shall surely |
_o__)           have neighbours.) —孔夫子 Confucius, 551 BCE – 479 BCE |
Ben Finney

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