[code-quality] astroid and logilab-common still disagree about versions

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Aug 13 17:26:19 CEST 2013

I reported a couple weeks ago about astroid demanding logilab-common
>= 0.60, while the latest stable branch of logilab-common insists that
the latest version is just 0.58.2.  I trying "hg pull ; hg update" on
both repos just now and find the situation hasn't changed.  I am
updated to the stable branch of logilab-common and the default branch
of astroid.  Am I supposed to be on the stable branch of astroid?
That doesn't seem right, as its __pkginfo__ module says it's only
version 0.24.3

So, I'm kind of stuck, looking for a "correct" solution here.  I
could, in theory, mangle my __pkginfo__ modules, but that just
introduces a bad hack I have to remember later.



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