[code-quality] Common error format for static analysis tools

Ronny Pfannschmidt Ronny.Pfannschmidt at gmx.de
Tue Apr 2 23:22:00 CEST 2013


I would like to rather see a format of lines of json documents

on top of that there could be a formatted output using newstyle 
formatstrings (and there could even be a default format string for your 
proposed format)

-- Ronny

On 04/02/2013 10:55 PM, Vladimir Keleshev wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm very excited about the new mailing list. I wanted to share an old
> idea of mine, which is probably unoriginal, but can kick-start a discussion.
> What about all of our static analysis tools adopt a *common*
> machine-friendly error format, so that we could write editor plugins
> once, and then all of our tools would work interchangeably, and new
> tools could be adopted without need to update editor plugins.
> The proposed format could be triggered by a decided-upon option, e.g.
> --machine-friendly, with this usage-pattern:
>      usage: <tool> --machine-friendly <file>...
> The proposed format would consist of the following lines:
> </absolute/path/to/file>:<start-line>:<start-char>...<end-line>:<end-char>:
> <error-message>
> For example:
>      /home/username/git/project/project.py:65:4...65:7: Infinite `for` loop
>      /home/username/git/project/another.py:1:1...1:5: `re` imported, but
> not used
> This is very similar to what most static analysis tools (and compilers)
> do anyway. But it also adds <start-char> and <end-char> which allow for
> precise error-highlighting in the editor.
> What do you think?
> Best,
> Vladimir
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