[CI-Announce] DANCE INTENSE: Dancing with Gravity with Elske Seidel | 19-25 October 2019 | Perpignan

Elske Seidel elskeseidel at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 2 14:18:57 EDT 2019

Come join us in the South of France for DANSE INTENSE - a lovely dance festival with an impressive program!! *Dancing with Gravity* with ME all weekend!! *Elsk

DANCE INTENSE: Dancing with Gravity
with Elske Seidel

Perpignan | France

Festival: 19-25 October 2019

Workshop with Elske: 19 + 20 October 2019
Saturday 10:30am -1pm + 2:30pm-5pm | Sunday 10:30am - 1pm + 2:30pm-4:30pm

Registration & Info:

[cid:940C8598-9F27-46CF-985F-9D1079F0A842 at fritz.box][cid:B8C64100-FDB6-4897-9C5E-DF8BEE44A098 at fritz.box]

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