[CI-Announce] Brando Workshop is filling fast!  Register Now!

Asheville Jam admin at ashevillejam.com
Tue May 9 22:38:27 EDT 2017

Register NOW to reserve your place
View this email in your browser (http://mailchi.mp/c32a6d27d106/may-20-brando-workshop-please-register-1231061?e=b3eb16b6a5)

** Hello Dancers:

The May 20th Brando Workshop is NEXT WEEK and filling up fast.

Registration NOW to reserve your place!!!

Aaron Brando Workshop on May 20th:

Falling Into Momentum (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=ffc45282cc&e=b3eb16b6a5)

This will be a beautiful full day learning experience with an excellent teacher.  The venue opens at 12 sharp, which MEANS: If you decide to pay at the door you may find yourself log-jammed with others who haven't registered, and miss out on the first hour of the workshop.  There is also a possibility that it will sell out.

So please R (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=e54679bd36&e=b3eb16b6a5) EGISTER (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=297c9b9a06&e=b3eb16b6a5)  to reserve your place.


** *          *          *

Saturday MAY 20:
Full-day workshop with guest teacher Aaron Brando:


Time: 12pm-5pm
Cost: $40-60 sliding scale
JCC 236 Charlotte Street Asheville, NC 28801
(entrance on Lenox - street parking available)

*          *          *

Falling into Momentum (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=c9870eab5a&e=b3eb16b6a5          *          *)

There is a particular world we can inhabit together that comes from teasing out, indulging in, and encouraging each other’s momentum and centrifugal force.Using focused skill building, open play, and collaborative investigation, we will explore how to live inside momentum. Momentum is a key factor in distributing force, trusting higher velocities, and taking flight.

We will practice falling for fun, from various dynamic situations. We will learn to use the architecture of our bones, awareness of our pelvis, and buoyancy in our legs as a way to navigate graceful pathways to the floor. Disorientation can be incredibly fun and exhilarating when explored with helpful tools!

AARON BRANDO holds a Masters Degree in Education and loves the art of crafting pedagogy in a non-codified system such as CI.Brando teaches and performs CI internationally and serves on the Board of Directors for Earthdance Retreat Center. He has been instrumental in creating the event, CI Ground Research, which encourages the ongoing research of Contact Improvisation by dancers from around the world. Brando’s YouTube page has over a half million views and can be viewed via his websitewww.AaronBrando.com (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=11a17f25e4&e=b3eb16b6a5) .  A stalwart for specificity, Brando has trained with renowned anatomist Tom Myers at the KMI Institute and is a certified Fascial Bodywork/Structural Integration practitioner. He served a two-year residence at the Kripalu Center for Yoga, is a certified Yoga teacher and has a 20+ year history with Vipassana Meditation.

AaronBrando.com (http://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=784ced6984&e=b3eb16b6a5)

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