[CI-Announce] Axis Syllabus with Dan Bear - Final Weekend!

Asheville Jam admin at ashevillejam.com
Tue Dec 5 11:52:37 EST 2017

You can drop in for smaller sections of time!  No need to commit to the entire workshop

Dan Bear is here!  The Axis Syllabus and Contact Improv workshop begins Friday night.  You can drop in for different parts  of the weekend or save by registering for the whole.  (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=e844d40071&e=b3eb16b6a5)

The Axis Syllabus is a body of research relevant to dynamic movement.  It offers movement pathways for dancers, yogis, acrobats and martial artists that optimizes the body's natural fluency, using physics and anatomical realities to create beautiful, efficient, and safe movement patterns.  We are bringing in two internationally acclaimed teachers to offer Asheville movers this rare and profound modality.

Out of towners:  We can offer you housing.  Email: ashevillejam at gmail.com (mailto:ashevillejam at gmail.com)

DANIEL BEAR DAVIS * December 8th - 10th
Interwoven: A Workshop in Axis Syllabus and Contact Improvisation

FULL WEEKEND DISCOUNT:  $90 - $120 sliding scale  *BEST DEAL*
Register Here: https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=b56a5ef41a&e=b3eb16b6a5


Friday December 8, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
LOCATION:  Center For Art and Spirit, 1 School Road
Walk-In Price:  $20 - $40 sliding scale

*          *          *

Saturday December 9, 10:00am - 1:00pm
LOCATION:  Center For Art and Spirit, 1 School Road
Walk-In Price:  $20 - $40 sliding scale

*   Lunch Break  *

Saturday December 9, 2:30 - 5:30pm
LOCATION:  Center For Art and Spirit, 1 School Road
Walk-In Price:  $20 - $40 sliding scale

*          *          *

Sunday December 10, 10:00am - 12:00pm
LOCATION:  VEDA Studios, 853 Merrimon Ave
WALK IN :  $20 - $40 sliding scale

*   Lunch Break  *

Sunday December 10, 1:00 - 3:00pm
LOCATION:  VEDA Studios, 853 Merrimon Ave
WALK IN :  $20 - $40 sliding scale

*          *          *

Daniel Bear Davis:
photo taken by Anna Maynard

Interwoven: A Workshop in Axis Syllabus and Contact Improvisation by Daniel Bear Davis (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=27a771b407&e=b3eb16b6a5)

The Axis Syllabus offers a groundswell of relevant and specific information into healthy movement habits for moving humans living in a dynamic world. In this dance workshop, we will look at details of our own anatomy, refined over thousands of years of evolution, to gain clues about how to move in collaboration with our own fascinating design. As we grow in our kinetic potential, we can meet our dance partners with increased access to range and choice. This workshop will weave explorations of healthy and creative relationships between the many parts of our selves, with other humans in partner dancing, and within larger networks.

We will identify boundaries and limitations as building blocks of resilience. We will explore ourselves and our shared dances as tensegrity structures, cultivating out integrity through tensile resistance. We will investigate the self within interconnected networks and interconnectivity within the self. And we’ll do a whole lot of dancing.

Tickets and Registration:

This Saturday Nov 18th...

2:00-3:30 - Center For Art and Spirit
The Axis Syllabus - taught by Aaron Birk
Cost: $10-$15 sliding scale

* 1 Hour Break -- Drive Across Town *

4:30-7:30 - Battery Park Rooftop Terrace
The Underscore - lead by Idelle Packer
Cost: FREE
4:30-5:00   Talk-Through (required for 1st timers)
5:00-7:30    Underscore (arrival period 4:00-4:15)
FREE (Donations welcome)
All levels welcome and invited to join!

Scroll to bottom for a detailed description of The Underscore and its history

Aaron's November series, "Pathways On The Road To Axis," is an extrememly rare opportunity to expose yourself to this amazing modality, which is usually available only in San Francisco or Berlin.  We are bringing in two of the best teachers in the world, and we are offering The Axis Syllabus to you for a ridiculously affordable price.

*          *         *

THE AXIS SYLLABUS December Workshops -
If you are planning to go, Please register now (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=2c6b9a9717&e=b3eb16b6a5) to reserve your place.  We need to know how many people to expect in order to rent our studios and pay our visiting teachers.

We are hosting two December weekend workshops on a type of movement research known as The Axis Syllabus.  The Axis Syllabus is a body of research relevant to dynamic movement.  It offers movement pathways for dancers, yogis, acrobats and martial artists that optimizes the body's natural fluency, using physics and anatomical realities to create beautiful, efficient, and safe movement patterns.  We are bringing in two internationally acclaimed teachers to offer Asheville movers this rare and profound modality.

*          *          *

Logical Progressions: A Focus On Fundamentals
The C-Stars Will Be Falling: Accelerated Pathways Through The Floor
with Nuria Bowart

Friday December 1  6:30pm - 9:30pm (taught by Aaron Birk) (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=5e89b65446&e=b3eb16b6a5)
Saturday December 2 10:00am - 6:00pm Sunday December 3  10:00am - 3:00pm (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=b19d79bb23&e=b3eb16b6a5)

Center For Art and Spirit
1 School Rd, Asheville, NC 28806

LOCATION: Dec 2 - Dec 3
Warren Wilson College, Bryson Gym
701 Warren Wilson Rd, Swannanoa, NC 28778

Tickets and Registration:

*          *          *

Interwoven: A Workshop in Axis Syllabus and Contact Improvisation
with Daniel Bear Davis

Friday     December 8 6:30pm - 9:30pm Saturday December 9  10:00am - 5:30pm Sunday   December 10:00am - 3:00pm (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=fd8e18646a&e=b3eb16b6a5)

LOCATION: Dec 8 - Dec 9
Center For Art and Spirit
1 School Rd, Asheville, NC 28806

Veda Studios
853 Merrimon Ave, Asheville, NC 28805

Tickets and Registration:

*          *          *
Here's a look at our guest teachers:

Daniel Bear Davis:
photo taken by Anna Maynard

A Workshop in Axis Syllabus and Contact Improvisation
by Daniel Bear Davis

The Axis Syllabus offers a groundswell of relevant and specific information into healthy movement habits for moving humans living in a dynamic world. In this dance workshop, we will look at details of our own anatomy, refined over thousands of years of evolution, to gain clues about how to move in collaboration with our own fascinating design. As we grow in our kinetic potential, we can meet our dance partners with increased access to range and choice. This workshop will weave explorations of healthy and creative relationships between the many parts of our selves, with other humans in partner dancing, and within larger networks.

We will identify boundaries and limitations as building blocks of resilience. We will explore ourselves and our shared dances as tensegrity structures, cultivating out integrity through tensile resistance. We will investigate the self within interconnected networks and interconnectivity within the self. And we’ll do a whole lot of dancing.

Location: TBD -- Stay Tuned!
Tickets and Registration:

Nuria Bowart:

by Nuria Bowart

This class is designed to present the basic concepts of landing and launching pads as is defined within the Axis Syllabus.  The Axis Syllabus is a body of research relevant to dynamic movement.  This class will provide a clear mapping of soft tissue logic for entering and exiting a surface, wether it be a floor or another moving body.  We will also practice some spiraling pathways useful for greater ease while changing levels.  Tired of all those bruises from that hard floor when you land? Come and practice alternatives.

by Nuria Bowart

Falling off our center of gravity allows for us to harness our potential energy and to take a ride on the force of gravity.  This class will elaborate on the concept of chronological architecture as it relates to moving in and out of the floor and one another in dynamic ways. The arms and the legs are useful to propel, absorb and pivot around.  Acceleration happens, and can be ridden.  In this class we will practice riding this bodyform safely and efficiently through the energy of a fall. Using some basic movement patterns, such as C-Star, offered through the Axis Syllabus, to help us to better understand useful mechanics for falling.  While in this class, the main partner will be the floor, we will be practicing many of the patterns in partners and groups as well.

Location: TBD -- Stay Tuned!
Tickets and Registration:

*          *          *

Here's a look at The Axis Syllabus:


*          *          *

The Underscore is an excellent way to experience contact improvisation within a structure that allows you to bring all your improvisation skills into the dance while staying true to the principles of Contact Improvisation that make jamming so enjoyable: “Doing under others as you would have them do under you!” (Steve Paxton) Developed by Nancy Stark Smith, the Underscore is a monthly practice at Asheville Jam. What better way to practice “arriving" in mind and body, listening, and being present to respond in the moment than by being part of an Underscore!

What makes an Underscore different than an open jam?  It is the “container:" from the moment you enter the room until we circle and share, you are in the score… no matter what you do. Typically, the Underscore ensures the luxury of time to warm up into bodily presence before interacting with the other players and values time to “harvest” the experience by taking time to be still as the dance resolves and to share verbally during closing circle.

According to Nancy Stark Smith, who developed the Underscore:

"The Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space—alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising. It allows for a full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodying a range of forms and changing states. Its practice is familiar yet unpredictable.

The practice—usually 3 to 4 hours in length—progresses through a broad range of dynamic states, including long periods of very small, private, and quiet internal activity and other times of higher energy and interactive dancing."

Did you know?
There's a pretty sweet CI journal called Contact Quarterly (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=830fb6a518&e=b3eb16b6a5) that has some really interesting online material as well as a long running print publication.

Check it out! (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=0d4615c538&e=b3eb16b6a5)

Contact Improv

Check out these beautiful, high quality
T-Shirts which are available now!

Contact ** Aaron Birk (mailto:brinewater at gmail.com)
to purchase!
** Facebook Page (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=5ce1f844a3&e=b3eb16b6a5)
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** Asheville Jam Website (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=e1a515a9b5&e=b3eb16b6a5)
** Asheville Jam Website (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=79f0e0c7aa&e=b3eb16b6a5)
** Facebook Group (https://ashevillejam.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b9a390fa29763a385da555988&id=989c073346&e=b3eb16b6a5)
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Asheville Contact Improv Jam . 68D Kentucky dr. . Asheville, NC 28806 . USA

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