[CI-Announce] Alicia Grayson in Asheville Sunday 9/13

Asheville Jam ashevillejam at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 05:28:23 CEST 2015

Save the date:
*Alicia Grayson Workshop - Sunday September 13: 10:30-5:30*; must commit to
full day (no partial day reg). This will be GREAT. Alicia is a brilliant
mover and teacher! We'll be focusing on deepening into our own solo dance
while dancing with others. Limit 35 people. Alicia will be diving into some
more challenging material, specifically catering to the intermediate and
advanced students, though new folks who are open-minded and committed to
giving it a shot will do just fine.

Details at ashevillejam.com.

Come on down! - Out of town folks will be housed with locals IF they give
us enough advance notice!

Please spread the word amongst your various networks!


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