[CI-Announce] Khambatta Dance performs Vice and Virtue this Friday

Khambatta Dance Company info at KhambattaDance.org
Wed Feb 19 23:15:57 CET 2014

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** KDC Digs in (to life)

** FEB 21, 2014
Recent news of Phillip Seymour Hoffman's death has caused me to reflect on Vice and Virtue, the theme of my new work, in a very personal way. I went to school with Phillip at NYU and knew him as a focused, gentle guy devoted to his craft. He was born three days before me also in NY State. My principle question, "Why?" will perhaps never be answered in his case. But I am still haunted by this question in the face of this excruciating tragedy.

Why do we choose to self destruct...or not? What is the impulse to throw ourselves at others when they don't want us, to tempt others with what they don't have, to gloat when we win, to give up on ourselves or otherwise to respond from our baser instincts when we know it doesn't make the world a better place. And what inspires us from these base instincts in favor of better ones? Where does compassion emerge from? What causes us to reach out and help?

These are the questions,  sometimes haunting, that inspired Vice and Virtue and that seem to keep percolating through lives and events I see played out around me everyday. Join us for this one performance of Vice and Virtue Friday February 21 at 7:30pm.

Catch the only Seattle area performance before its NW/India tour.

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